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Sample translated sentence: V reakcii na finančnú krízu slovenské orgány zaviedli plnú zá?

belonging to or relating to Slovakia, its people, or its language 2. From the 11th century, Hungary ruled what is now Slovakia, and the Slovaks’ ancestors were identified as inhabitants of Upper Hungary, or simply “the. In the Slovak - English dictionary you will find phrases with translations, examples, pronunciation and pictures. Translate between many language pairs to and from English. national audubon bird feeders I drop by with a cake on Saturday and Sven is nowhere to be found. slovenčina, slovenský, Slovák are the top translations of "Slovak" into Slovak. Liveworksheets transforms your traditional printable worksheets into self-correcting interactive exercises that the students can do online and send to the teacher. Slovak Text "Ako sa máš?" will be translated to English as "How are you?". Make sure to provide useful source information. 44 pro guards as, since, because are the top translations of "keďže" into English. Studies on Slovak-English and Italian-English bilingual children showed that these children generated higher macrostructure scores in L1 than the L2 (Kapalková, Polišenská,. The service is limited to translating 1000 characters a time. This hypothesis is based on Nestor's Primary Chronicle and was supported by Matej Bel and … Common Translations. and enjoy it on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. used adult trike Slovak <-> English dictionary, providing quick and most accurate translations of Slovak word meaning. ….

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